Aggressive Protection of

Your Rights Under The Law

Ensuring You Get The Family Leave You Deserve

When most people think of family leave, they think of the protections that were enacted with the federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) which was signed into law in 1993. Fewer people are aware of the protections available to employees under the California Family Rights Act (CFRA). The CFRA applies to the employees of any company with 50 or more employees, as long as the employee has been employed for more than one year as a full-time employee and has completed 1250 hours of service.

  • Did your HR department tell you “no” when you asked for a family or medical leave?
  • Were you denied a leave to care for your child or elderly parent?
  • Were you told you couldn’t have time off for your own medical condition or your spouse’s?
  • Were you terminated while on or after requesting or returning from a medical leave?

These are some of the situations that can arise with family and medical leave. Our Los Angeles family leave attorneys would like to help. At Avila & Shaddow Attorneys at Law, we protect employees’ rights to unpaid family and medical leave.

California Family Rights Act Lawyers For Pregnancy And Other Issues

Under the FMLA and CFRA, the following are all considered protected reasons for a medical leave of absence.

  • Father or mother of a newborn child, including an adopted child
  • Care of child or elderly parent or spouse
  • Employee medical condition such as cancer treatment or disease management
  • Care of spouse for medical issues, including surgery or other conditions

In addition, the Pregnancy Disability Leave (PDL) law offers employees up to four months of additional leave to women due to pregnancy, childbirth or pregnancy-related illness. For example, if a woman is required to be on bed rest for the third trimester of pregnancy, she would be allowed this additional unpaid leave of absence.

It is important to note that this family leave is unpaid leave, not paid leave. It is entirely up to your employer if they choose to provide paid family leave.

Contact Our Employment Law Firm | Se Habla Español

We offer an initial consultation at no charge. Please call our San Fernando Valley number, 818-227-8610, or our Los Angeles County number, or our nationwide toll-free number, . You may also contact our attorneys via email.