Some of California's business sectors -- such as the technology industry centered in Silicon Valley -- have been male dominated since their inception. Though some women do find success in this field, there are still a number of barriers to success and fair treatment....
Month: July 2012
Clothing store Wet Seal sued for widespread race discrimination
In California, it is not acceptable for employers to discriminate against employees because of their race. Fortunately, employment laws are designed to protect those who suffer from this type of discrimination.Employers can commit employment discrimination through...
Doctor sues over damage to reputation for wrongful dismissal
While many employers can fire at-will employees for almost any reason, there are certain protections designed to prevent workers from being terminated for unfair reasons. Employers in California cannot fire employees for discriminatory reasons or in retaliation...
Federal enclaves create problems for employees facing retaliation
Employees have many things that they have to worry about at work just to complete their jobs. The one thing they should not have to worry about is safe working conditions. If, for some reason, a California employee does have a concern about the safety conditions at...
California sexual harassment claims settled for $1.4 million
Every workplace should be free from harassment. This includes sexual harassment. California employment law protects employees from all types of sexual harassment including sexual assault, unwanted sexual advances, sexual gestures, derogatory comments or jokes and...