For most people, their paycheck is extremely important to them. While many employees may enjoy their jobs, the money is the primary reason they work. In fact, for most people the money they earn is essential to their financial survival. Therefore, every penny matters...
Month: October 2014
Qualifying for FMLA leave
There are times when people cannot go to work. While California residents value their jobs, in some situations their family has to come first. Taking care of a sick child, for example, is a time when parents may not be able to get to the office.In these situations,...
Let us help stop workplace discrimination
Despite numerous state and federal employment laws banning discrimination at work, many Californians have experienced it. Their employers have used some trait or characteristic to influence their decision-making. These traits can include a person's marital status,...
Are religious practices protected in California workplaces?
In a recent post here, we highlighted a report claiming that many California Muslims were experiencing discrimination in the workplace. This story may have left you wondering if you have protections against religious discrimination in the workplace.According to the...