Depending on where you are in life, getting a new job may be a monumental achievement, or simply the next gig that pays the bills. Regardless, there is likely a learning curve that will be experienced involving specific processes and being ingrained in the...
Month: September 2015
Should you work ‘off the clock’ if your employer asks?
In the Southern California marketplace, working overtime is almost as common as a sunny day. People work overtime all the time. While this may be a good thing for an employee’s paycheck, there are many who work more than are expected without being properly paid....
What employees should do after prevailing against an employer
Depending on who you root for, the kickoff game of the 2015 NFL season had more drama after the game than a WWE championship match. The drama of whether the New England Patriots had anything to do with interrupting communications between the Pittsburgh Steelers...
Employees who depend on marijuana may not be protected
As an employee who depends on medicinal marijuana to deal with chronic pain or other physical maladies, you may believe that your employer may be prohibited from terminating you based on your use alone, or because of a positive drug test. While being fired because of...
The importance of termination letters of employees
Being fired from a job can be emotionally traumatizing. After all, someone deciding that you are not important enough to work in a particular job, or that your skills are not worthy of being employed can be emotionally devastating. However, a firing could be just the...