It is common for female doctors in California to experience some form of sexual harassment on the job. A study that has been published in a peer-reviewed journal found that nearly one-third of successful female doctors around the country have experienced sexual...
Month: May 2016
Lowe’s settles in disability discrimination action
An inflexible employer could create serious difficulties for a California employee with a disability. However, a major case involving Lowe's may provide encouragement to others dealing with conflicts over leave needed to deal with their conditions or to care for...
Worker alleges bullying for disability
Employees in California and throughout the country may have some legal recourse if they are in a hostile work environment. In one case, a man who had neuropathy worked on a production line. Neuropathy causes muscles to degenerate, and the man slowly lost control over...
New informational poster outlines FMLA
California employees who are covered under the Family and Medical Leave Act may see a new poster appearing in their workplaces soon. The Department of Labor has issued a new poster that provides information about the law, and employers covered under the law are...