California employers have a lot of power when it comes to deciding who they are going to hire and who they are going to terminate. In many situations, the employer can make these decisions for any reason that they see fit. Further, they often don't even need to give...
Month: December 2014
We work to protect employees’ rights to family leave
While a person's job is often important to them, the person's family is often the most important. People will do anything to take care of their family. This often requires taking time away from work when family members are sick. As this blog explained in a recent...
Who is a qualifying family member under the FMLA?
There comes a time in most California residents' lives where they or a family member are facing an illness. In these cases people often need to rely on family members for their care. During the illness, people often don't have time to go to work in addition to caring...
California employers obligated to stop sexual harassment
Sexual harassment in the workplace can be disruptive, demeaning and embarrassing for California employees. Sexual harassment, under California employment laws, includes unwanted sexual advances, sexual propositions, gestures, jokes, sexually suggestive notes or...