California student athletes may be interested to learn that, on Oct. 2, three members of the softball team at Nyack College in New York filed a lawsuit against the school. They claimed that the college did not protect them from sexual harassment by a former coach.
The members alleged that the coach, a 44-year-old man from New Jersey, made comments that were sexually explicit and touched them inappropriately. This included laying on top of them, kissing them on their lips and faces and directing them to sit on his lap. Additionally, they claimed that he brought in a pornographic actress to give them life counseling lessons. Although the lawsuits were all filed separately, the allegations were similar in that the former coach reportedly organized underage drinking parties and told them he could get them employment in the adult entertainment industry.
The former coach was indicted on multiple charges in early 2015 after he was accused of improperly touching players on the softball team. He pleaded not guilty but was fired from his position in March. The members of the softball team where reportedly seeking damages for battery, negligent retention and negligent hiring, among others.
All workers or members of organizations are legally protected against unwanted sexual advances. An employee who reports an incident and is then fired, loses hours or begins to receive poor performance reviews may want to speak with an employment law attorney to determine how best to seek financial redress for the lost wages as well as other damages that have been sustained.
Source: FOX Sports, “Nyack softball players sue NY college, ex-coach for sexual harassment“, Oct. 2, 2015