It’s natural when you get a new job to want to make a good impression. You want to impress your superiors and do your best to fit in. This may involve taking on projects that others may not want or going the extra mile to make sure that you are noticed. This may also involve working a few extra hours here and there.
However, some employers may take this for granted, and even expect the additional work on a regular basis. But for the impressionable employee who may not be up to the task, working unpaid overtime may be a burden. In these situations, should a new employee simply go with the flow or stand up for their rights?
While we are not in a position (through this blog) to give advice, we can explain to our readers that California law allows for additional pay for those who work above the number of hours allotted in a standard eight hour workday. Essentially, an hourly employee who crosses that threshold must be paid time-and-a –half for their services. Similarly, hourly employees who work more than 40 hours in a week must be paid in the same fashion.
So while you may be ambivalent about working overtime, it is imperative that you are paid according to state and federal law. If you are asked to work additional hours without being paid, or if you are told to work “off the clock” a conversation with an experienced employment law attorney may be necessary.