California residents may have heard about the sexual harassment allegations that were made against Roger Ailes who is the Fox News’ former CEO. When former host Gretchen Carlson accused the man of sexual harassment, another host Megyn Kelly reportedly cooperated with an internal investigation by talking about similar experiences that she had with Ailes. Kelly may now be revealing the details of her allegations against Ailes in her new book.
Nov. 3, Radar Online published excerpts from Kelly’s memoir that contain details of the sexual harassment that she says she endured at Fox News. Kelly wrote that multiple times Ailes had made unwanted advances towards her and that she refused him every time. She wrote that Ailes started sexually harassing her while she was a legal correspondent, and the behavior became more aggressive over time.
In her book, Kelly wrote that Ailes would sometimes call her into his office to give her legitimate professional advice that was intermingled with inappropriate sexual comments. At one point, Kelly says that Ailes offered to promote her in exchange for sexual favors. In the beginning of 2006, Kelly says that Ailes tried to grab her and kiss her. When Kelly rejected Ailes’ advances, he asked her when her contract was up.
A person who has experienced similar workplace sexual harassment may choose to file a lawsuit against their employer. An attorney may help a sexual harassment victim to gather evidence to support their sexual harassment allegations and evidence of the financial damages that the sexual harassment has caused them. Sexual harassment victims may pursue financial compensation for lost wages if they were forced to quit, terminated unfairly or denied a promotion.